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2023.6 - Portfolio #2


  • Persons who are interested in me, potentially offers me a work
  • Persons in charge of recruitment


To convey my own creative style and what I can do
(Web design, photography, illustration etc.)

What I did


  • Requirement definition
  • Web design
  • Development including backend
  • Photography and edition
  • Logo design
  • Illustrations

Tools, Languages

  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • Lightroom Classic
  • Nikon D5600 / D3200

This is the last portfolio website before the renewal.
I mainly wanted to include all of my creative works such as photographies and illustrations in addition to web design works, thus I created this website with a white base, big margins, simplicity to not to give a cluttered impression.
However, after creating this work, I came to the conclusion that this design lacked a little bit of my own personality, and I decided to renew my portfolio website once again without this website being completed. As a result, this portfolio website has been transformed into what it is today.

2021.4 - Portfolio #1


  • Persons who are interested in me, potentially offers me a job
  • Persons in charge of recruitment


To convey my own creative style and what I can do
(Web design, photography etc.)

What I did


  • Requirement definition
  • Web design
  • Development including backend
  • Photography and edition

Tools, Languages

  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • Lightroom Classic
  • Nikon D3200

This is a portfolio I created when I started looking for a new job as a web designer.
I wanted to include my own work as well as my photography, so I designed the website to be simple and easy to read, with a white base and lots of white space to avoid a cluttered impression (Same as Portfolio #2). The first view uses photos taken and edited by myself.
At the time, I was also interested in the back-end side, so I studied a bit of PHP and Laravel and created a mail form.
In addition, I also implemented English and Chinese versions of the website so that the website could be communicated to viewers outside of Japan, as I have a future goal of not only staying in the Japanese market, but also working in different cultures.

2023.6 - Portfolio #2

Target / ターゲット

  • 自分に興味を持ってくれる方
  • 仕事を依頼してくれる方
  • 採用担当者様

Purpose / 目的


What I did / 対応領域


  • 要件定義
  • Webデザイン
  • 開発(バックエンド含)
  • 写真撮影
  • ロゴ制作
  • イラスト制作

Tools, Languages / ツール・言語

  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • Lightroom Classic
  • Nikon D5600 / D3200

Webデザイン制作実績のほか、撮影作品やイラスト含む自身のクリエイティブ作品を全て掲載したかったため、ごちゃついた印象にならないよう白基調・多余白・シンプルで見やすいよう制作しました。その上で前作(下記のPortfolio #1)とは違い、自分の好きなアザラシやFVの雲のような装飾、「Works」の部分のモーションなどによってデザインに少し遊びを入れ、見ていて楽しくなるようなビジュアルを目指しました。

2021.4 - Portfolio #1

Target / ターゲット

  • 自分に興味を持ってくれる方
  • 仕事を依頼してくれる方
  • 採用担当者様

Purpose / 目的


What I did / 対応領域


  • 要件定義
  • Webデザイン
  • 開発(バックエンド含)
  • 写真撮影

Tools, Languages / ツール・言語

  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • Lightroom Classic
  • Nikon D3200
